What is the Difference Between SharePoint and OneDrive?

SharePoint and OneDrive are both secure, online document sharing and collaboration applications offered by Microsoft as part of the Office 365 suite. Because they’re both in the same general functions space, there’s often a lot of questions about where they overlap and what each is meant for.

In this video we explain some of the key differences and when businesses should be using each cloud application. We identify OneDrive for personal use (which shouldn’t be used by businesses!) versus OneDrive for Business. OneDrive offers file storage and file sharing, but it’s not really a fully-featured collaboration tool. SharePoint is a legitimate sharing and scheduling tool and SharePoint Team Sites should be taken advantage of when you have teams working on projects. SharePoint’s portal site should be used for company-wide collaboration.

SharePoint Requires Development and Maintenance

SharePoint requires customization and maintenance, but it allows for real collaboration. Only very small businesses will be happy with trying to make do working only through OneDrive.

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