Associations & Nonprofits

Technology plays such a critical role in advancing the mission of associations and nonprofit organizations. Furthermore, the burden of maintaining a first-rate technology environment has become so challenging. Every dollar and every hour you spend mired in support issues, mastering new applications or battling security threats detracts from the important work that drives your organization.

MSG staff has managed the IT infrastructure for associations and 501(c) (3) nonprofits for 25 years. We understand your resource constraints and operational practices and the applications, such as iMIS® and netFORUM® membership databases, on which you depend.

  • Managed IT Services.
  • Desktop and Laptop Encryption – provides whole disk encryption for laptops and desktops running Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac operating systems. We fully manage the entire encryption process, including administering policies, users, configurations and other aspects.
  • Email is the life blood of many organizations. We offer the following options to our hosted email service for your nonprofit organization:
  1. Mobile email.
  2. Email archiving.
  3. Archiving for compliance.
  4. Email encryption.

Our team of managed IT specialists is immersed in technology every day. With MSG Managed Services for Associations and Nonprofits, we manage your entire IT infrastructure to deliver the uptime, performance and security your board, members and donors expect. And with less time spent on technology issues, you’ll have more time to focus on stakeholder needs and organization priorities.

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