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What Privacy Risks Are Lurking Under Your Tree

27422_Apple-ChristmasDoes your Holiday list look like it should be addressed to MIT instead of Santa? Someone special wanting a “smart” device to turn interior lights on and off, video surveillance system for home, and a running tracking device for their Nikes? With new cool technology, comes privacy risks that most people don’t consider.

The World of Technology has created yet another acronym. IoT or Internet of Things is a rapidly growing network of everyday devices. Most people when thinking of “The Internet” envision going online with their computer, smart phone, or tablet. However, with the advancement of technology, more and more everyday devices can also access the Internet and transmit various types of data without our awareness. In fact, almost any item (even a special tag on your favorite shirt) can be connected. They can share information and improve our way of life and our businesses.

The Internet of Things refers to the ability of “things” with embedded computing devices to connect to the Internet without the need for any human interaction. Simply put, your everyday devices will communicate with each other and with you, conceptually improving our day-to-day lives

But what about the risks?

One privacy risk is the vast amounts of data that these smart objects continuously broadcast over the Internet. In effect, the Internet is rapidly evolving into an “always on” tool of surveillance. In addition, there are significant data security concerns to consider. Remember, if it’s connected to the Internet, it’s hackable.

What can you do to help prevent this?

If you get a new device such as a gaming console, a smart TV, or anything  with a camera that isn’t necessary for the device to work, just put a piece of solid tape, such as electrical tape, over the camera.

• Your Internet connection is only as good as your Internet security and practices. Make sure you have good online habits.

• Make certain the firmware on your wireless router is up to date. Firmware is the software program or instructions for a piece of hardware. This information is usually on the device when you receive it and much like your anti-viral software, should be updated. Contact your service provider or hardware device manufacturer for instructions on how to do this.

• Change default passwords on all of your Internet connected devices. Hackers typically look for this as most people don’t think to change the default password that came with the device. Don’t make it this easy for the hackers to get in.

• Create strong passwords. The longer the password most experts say, the better. Extra characters are good, but it is the length of the password that makes it more difficult to hack.

• Use WPA2 encryption and a strong network key. Experts state that if you are only using WEP encryption scheme, any other security measures you take are meaningless because your network is wide open for hacking. Your device manufacturer should be able to walk you through this process

• Read through the privacy policy of the manufacturer and opt-out of data collection when you can. If no opt-out exists, at a minimum understand how your information will be used and what information is being collected so you can gauge your level of comfort.

For now, we can only hope that the hackers aren’t too interested in your favorite movies on Netflix or how fast you can run a mile, but starting good privacy habits now can help you in the future.

David Blair ~ December 17th, 2014

Austin Office

Magnet Solutions Group

7703 N Lamar Blvd, Ste. 114

Austin, TX 78752

p. (512) 298-2101